Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016

Movie best describes my life

Film Laskar Pelangi is a film that depicts the life story of my childhood during which I stayed sector in villages and hamlets through the day with family friends by playing joking banter and singing dipersawahan, and I along with friends had attended one place where conditions may also be less convenient to learn but our passion for learning is very high even though the conditions at the time it was not possible but our strong emphasis on learning who want to know many things beat what prevents us to get to know a lot of things we do not know at the time, I always dreamed to be change lives in the future better with what I am doing because I am sure in high spirits and hard work and good deeds can realize the dream to be real, to do it is certainly not easy, but by going through all the optimistic insyallah all will walk deliver to what I dreamed, many talk of people who make a hot ear but word they said I made a motivation to strengthen themselves that later I will prove to them that I am able to do what they say I can not do, they may thinking the words of people who live in rural areas does not mean anything to them, but I will always try to make my words can be heard and believe what I'll earn later. Patience is a bitter plant but it has sweet fruit.

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